Flights and Taxi Scam
Quito to Lima
Originally when I was weighing up the price of flights versus a "round to world" ticket it seemed like a clear cut choice. For a little bit more money I was able to visit south america on the way to australia and asia on the way back. On top of that the ticket that I went for allows numerous flights within each contenent visited what could be better?
As with everthing of course there are plusses and minuses.
One of the big limitations is the availability of the flight accross the pacific.
This flight tends to be booked up for months and because of work comitments I ended up missing my prefered date and am spending alot longer in south america then I originally intended.
This isnt all bad of course cos its quite fun here and I think that it you could easily spend a whole year getting to know this vast contenent.
Another mixed blessing is the inflexablity of booked flights which makes it a little bit more difficult to adapt.
It also makes you a target every time you arrive at an airport late at night.
Arriving in Lima agreed a price and where I wanted to go with the taxi man before getting the taxi.
However half way through the journey he started making up a story about anti-gouvournment protests caused the centre to be closed to cars that night. This was a load of rubbish however but it isn´t that easy to make someone go where you want in a strange city. He also inflated his price which was allready over the odds. So I ended up staying in a 3 star hotel and being ripped off by the taxi driver was a bit of a blow to the budget. To
but it in context the 40 sol fare would buy you a 16 hour bus journey on a cushy couch half way accross the country. Ah well you can´t avoid every scam and when viewed in euro it doesn't seem that bad.
26th November,
I got up this morning and enjoyed my rare luxuries of cable tv and hot en-suite showers.
Then I had to figure out where I was and went for a walk accross Lima to get to know the city a bit.
I think its quite nice here. It is a very big city. Of the 26 million people in Peru 12 million live in Lima.
It is very buisy. There is always someone beeping a car horn within earshot.
After Equador it doesn't seem that poor with people trying to sell you software instead of fruit.
I found the hostel that I asked the taxi driver for on the other side of town and it seems quite nice. It's in a grand old 19th century house with art and parrots included.