Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Colonial Quito

Monday 7th
Today I went to the old part of the town which has many nice buildings in the Spanish colonial style. I met up with a guy from Cork called Max who had just arrived the night before. So for the first time I felt like I was the one showing someone else arround, and I had better Spanish too. We got a trolly bus accross town which was packed and someone managed to get my wallet, doh! This isn´t as bad as it might seem though because you have to go out with about 10 dolars and no cards or anything assuming that this is going to happen. There is quite a high level of crime here. Since I arrived I have heard of two people in the hostel who have been mugged outside the hostel at night. Again this isn´t as bad as it seems since these encounter are all about getting 10 dolars and a cheap watch and aren´t violent. With that said it is necisarry to take precausions like planning to arrive from a day out before nightfall which happens quite suddenly at 6pm.
Anyway colonial quito was nice, was saw protesters and riot police gather outside the presidential palace which is on a central square. The protesters disbersed peacfully. We climbed to the top of the big cathedral which gave great vistas of the city. I think most of my photos are of great vistas. In the evening there was a bit of a party back at the hostel and the Irish managed to outnumber any other nationality with 2 from Dublin 1 from Cork and 1 from Belfast giving a good spread.


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