Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas eve

24th December
Well it took a while to get Christmassy here but now Christmas has arrived in some style.
Yesterday they closed the main square and started marking off number for stalls.
It was also the day for giving out presents collected for the poor.
Flash queues were forming all around the square as people ran to the next generous offer.
Then the people started arriving from all the surrounding areas to be ready to set up their stall in the morning. So by night time the square was covered with people sleeping out in their little squares.
By this morning the market what in full flow.
They love their nativity scenes here, they are huge taking a bigger footprint then the tree, propper order.
They also love cuy which is guinney pig.
You can see them at the markets alive (so cute) and cooked (kind of grusome).
I took some stealthy shoot from the hip photos.
Yesterday I went to a resertaunt which specialises in them to see what they are like at last.
Tasty, a bit like the wet stuff in turkey, mmmm.

Merry Christmass everybody.


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