Sunday, January 22, 2006


16th and 17th of Jan. Jungle near river Beni.
Rurre is a great place to book Jungle trips and we headed off up the river Beni on a motorised canoe.
The power of the river was quite striking, at this time of year there is alot of water.
There were load of logs and trees being washed down river like they were twigs.
By the afternoon we reached our starting point and walked for ten minuites to reach the local community they we would be staying with. The kids were are very cute and had a great interest in the movies that we could take of them with our cameras.
The woman of the house where we were staying looked about 18 years old although she had two children and a third on the way.
The accomadation was matras on the floor with moquito net of course.
We went for a walk into the jungle on both days. I guide told us alot about the medicinal and toxic plants. We came accross the home of a huge tralanchula (spider I can´t spell).
I guide coaksed it out with a twig and it was a big as both of his hands.
I saw a snake, a giant ant landed on my shoulder which had a sting equivalent to a scorpian.
Fortunately it didn´t bite.
On the way back the river had risen by two meters and had flooded the communities bannana trees, so we could get the boat directly from our accomadation.
No tours were leaving for the jungle because the river was that high, but we were going downstream.
The first street of Rurre was also flooded as was our hostel.

First Photo


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