Friday, March 03, 2006


1st March
So the shops opened today but there still isn´t that much to do in Sao Paulo.
There is an extensive pedestrianised shopping area.
It's too big a city though to figure out in a short time.
I went to the top of one of the tallest sky scrapers and it's more sky scrapers as far as the eye can see. 17 million people but most of them aren´t in the center so it doesn´t feel that big.
I went to the airport in the night.

2nd March
Got a flight to Buenos Aires.
This seems like a nicer city. It's true about the stakes, really big, really cheap and really good. Giant steak at 6.80 pesos.
It´s great to be back in low cost country. Not poor though, things are sophisticated and european in character. They just had that currency collapse that´s all otherwist it would be expensive, because the lifestyle isn´t cheap.

We went to a "trendy" night club. Hmmm
Fistly people only go at 2am, what? you should be asleep at that time.
Big queues and a big cover charge, more than the cost of a night in a hostel.
Then when you are finally "lucky" enough to get in there are oddly dressed dancers up on a stage in front of a sweaty dance floor. Think "the red box" night club with ucd dramsoc (arts, drama students) doing interpretive dance and facial expressions in big coloured wigs and silly outfits. The place was dark and loads of the girls and guys are waring sunglasses. They are too cool for school. Oh yeah and there is an upstairs balcony where they wont let you go unless you´re really cool. All in all fairly stupid.


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