Friday, May 26, 2006


26th Kuta Bali Indonesia
Flew in to Bali last night.
The flight arrived quite late so I just aimed to make it to Kuta which is just next to the airport.
This is probably why it has become the aussie cheap holiday meca.
I was expecting a spanish coast tourist resort type place but it's a bit more interesting than that.
The tourism industry here has been decimated by the 2002 and 2005 bombings.
Kuta has way more people to sell things to tourists than tourists, and there are still alot of those, the place is really cheap after all.
I booking into a place down the road from the 2002 bomb memorial.
Even here the Balanise are kind of cool, after refusing politely what someone is selling you can usually have a bit of a chat. There are loads of little flower offering everwhere, outside shops and on taxis etc.
Even ordinary building have fancy adornments. Where I'm staying and old woman comes along every morning to do some kind of blessing and she tries to teach me a few words. I'm not picking up much though, everyone speaks english here. Since I'm not a surfer I shouldn't stay too long, it's nice to relax though now that I am out of dormatory living at last and it takes a while to figure out things like the best means of trasport etc.


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