Friday, June 16, 2006

Sengiggi to Padang bai

So time to leave Lomboc,
decided to go with public transport again, is only for the experance.
So 1 bemo to Mataram, 1 across and one to Lembar, the port for Bali.
Mataram is a bit of a sprawl, really four towns merged.
The trafic is a crazy mix of mopeds, tiny busses (bemo) a few flash cars and loads of tiny horse and carts (both tiny).
I'd say Lomboc was more picturesque,
Bali has may more cerimonies, on the boat they were bringing something important cerimonially speaking, and a group of guys were sat up the roof of the ship facing it towards Bali and sheltering it with an umbrellla. Then when we arrived we were met by a couple of hundred cerimonially dressed guys playing traditional instrument and cheering etc. nice to be back.
The port on the Bali side, padang bai, seems quite nice with the tastyest fish, baracuda no less, that I have ever tasted, mmm.


Blogger Medio Pomelo said...

Photos! Photos! Photos please!!!!!!!!

Good you eat proper food now, sounds like a better diet than what we were on in Oz and NZ... pasta with butter.... baked beans on toast... yuck...

2:32 AM  

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